It was the spring of 2018 when Google released the previous version of the front-end JavaScript framework Angular 6 in the month of March. And as the season has reversed, and the year 2018 is about to bid goodbye, we are welcoming Angular 7 in the month of October during the autumn. Yes, the news is confirmed and the next version has already arrived with many changes, significant updates, and new features. However, the buzz this time around is mainly on the improvements in the platforms with focus on Angular Material 7 and Angular CLI 7. Google also included a few new features such as CLI prompts, Scrolling, Drag, and Virtual and Drop etc. for the tool chain. Therefore, you must be excited to know what’s new on the roll with Angular 7. So, without any further delay let’s view the viable changes. Well, before beginning let this be informed that if you want to update to Angular 7, you need to visit the official website , where all the information and guidelines related to the update...
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